Thursday, November 5, 2009

ABC's "V"

I really had a great time watching ABC's "V." With "Battlestar Galactica" finished, the sci fi community needs another thought provoking series and I feel that they might have it with this new series. I feel that the visitors in "V" represent the Obama administration. With eight years of heck under the previous administration, Americans have lost faith in their leaders and with the last election, here comes Obama. He was a great communicator with ideas that appeals to people and with the unpopularity of the last administration, Obama and his party won. Now, Obama and his friends have to perform and seem to be doing so with mixed results. When Anna makes her announcement that she and the visitors mean nobody harm, the human race freaks out and gets excited. This reminded me of when Obama won the presidency last year. The visitors offer universal health care, but at what price. I favor universal health care. There are too many people, who can't afford to get the care that they need, but what I don't like what is being offered is the price. Why can't our government leaders make necessary cuts to make universal health care affordable to everybody. Another item about the new "V" is the visitors posing as humans. This reminds me of the thugs used by the Obama administration that are used to terrorize people, who don't agree with his policies. "V" has a lot of potential and I hope that ABC doesn't screw it up. I think that it sucks that the new series is only going 4 episodes and we have to wait until the end of the olympics to see what happens next. Maybe if ABC doesn't keep "V," the CW or Scy Fy Channel will pick it up.

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